From the pad of Bob's Outer Space...
Their is really something wrong - we have a Geography teacher in Colorado teaching leftwing anarchy theory and half our kids can't find their butts with both hands. Just two weeks ago it took me about ten (10) minutes to show on a map the US/Mexican border to a 40 something man who expresses political opinions and votes. In my college geography class at the end of the Vietnam tragedy 1/3 the class could not find Vietnam on a map. We just lost 58,000 dead there. It would take way too long to detail the blind mans bluff committed on the American national landscape. Christopher Columbus had a better world vision than the BMOC sitting next to me who was graduating that semester. God help us.
ps: remember 9/11
The Assault on American Youth
by Oliver North
Washington, D.C. -Washington, D.C. – The last Global Geographic Literacy Survey, assessing the geographic knowledge of 18-24 year-olds in nine different countries – Canada, France, Mexico, Great Britain, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and the United States – was, at best a disappointment. It found, for example, that only 17 percent of young Americans could locate Afghanistan on a map; 29 percent could not correctly identify the Pacific Ocean; and 11 percent were unable to find the continental United States.
ps: remember 9/11
The Assault on American Youth
by Oliver North
Washington, D.C. -Washington, D.C. – The last Global Geographic Literacy Survey, assessing the geographic knowledge of 18-24 year-olds in nine different countries – Canada, France, Mexico, Great Britain, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and the United States – was, at best a disappointment. It found, for example, that only 17 percent of young Americans could locate Afghanistan on a map; 29 percent could not correctly identify the Pacific Ocean; and 11 percent were unable to find the continental United States.