If you don't appreciate what you have...

learn something!

Martial Arts resource

Post subject: If you don't appreciate what you have...



Ladies and gentlemen.
Our commander in chief has enough grit, pluck in him to be able to humble himself, and take blame for something he is not totally responsible for.
I can't just BELIEVE you and I have driven things so far to get a great Warrior, Christian and Person to humble himself in front of you and I and the rest of the freagging world to acknowledge his humanness...Republican or not, Democrat or not, Independent or not, Communist or not, jerk or not, righteous or not, religious or not......

Them Mr Frs jihadhists are probably laughing their heads of!!!!!
And no it is not Mister Frays...

Unless we learn to recognize a true warrior like him, a true believer, we'll never get our SH... Together.
Yeah, I know, he likes money too...What a concept!
What a guy...What a President...What a Warrior.
My Warrior body and should bows to him in honor of his guts, pluck and glory, (in my book at least).

Keung Ye!


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