Thursday, July 14, 2005
8:02 PM
Decisions...Part two
Ok so here I am trying to decide what blogging software to use for separating my entries into categories ...I did a Google search, which incidentally is the best search engine out there in cyberspace and got a headache trying to discern where to go and what to pick...I can't complain, this is one of the advantages of living in a free market economic environment
The dream blog platform should have the ability to allow me to set up these categories without having to tweak so much inside at the HTML level...Yes, I happen to be lazy and slow at typing, so I need and want speed and ease. I remember when I had to take classes just to be able to learn online navigation skills...and no it has not been too long since this happened. I am still very grateful for for having taught several classes for free, allowing me to build a prototyped web page which is still out there, believe it or not. You can visit it at Wow4Real... Coincidentally, my newest medium on line is called Life and Living for Real. Anyway, I just emailed The developer of the software I am writing this piece on to see if he has any ideas, which I am positive he does. I have been using David'sRM The Journal now for a few years, but it was not until recently that I developed an appreciation to post out there in the world what I think and feel about my life. I do a lot with the journal, but this is a nice topic for another post.
Ok so just revisited some sites and I am narrowing down my choices to 3 of them. I also need to revisit and find out if anybody responded to my plea for assistance there...So, the finalists besides Blogger, of course, are: Movable type, Typepad, Livejourrnal, and Cafelog... These are the few that are compatible with The Journal, and capable of receiving my posts all from the convenience of my Journal.
Thanks for reading me ramble...!
Our server, DreamHost, offers a program called WordPress in their collection of free goodies. Don't know if it would serve your needs, but I can highly recommend DreamHost if you decide to get your own domain! You can check the blog out at or at work HERE:
Have a wonderful weekend, Amigo and...
Vayan con Dios